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Set Up with Kubernetes

This section provides a quick guide to using SeaTunnel with Kubernetes.


We assume that you have a local installations of the following:

So that the kubectl and helm commands are available on your local system.

For kubernetes minikube is our choice, at the time of writing this we are using version v1.23.3. You can start a cluster with the following command:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.23.3


SeaTunnel docker image

To run the image with SeaTunnel, first create a Dockerfile:

FROM openjdk:8

ENV SEATUNNEL_HOME="/opt/seatunnel"

RUN wget${SEATUNNEL_VERSION}/apache-seatunnel-${SEATUNNEL_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
RUN tar -xzvf apache-seatunnel-${SEATUNNEL_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz


Then run the following commands to build the image:

docker build -t seatunnel:2.3.5 -f Dockerfile .

Image seatunnel:2.3.5 need to be present in the host (minikube) so that the deployment can take place.

Load image to minikube via:

minikube image load seatunnel:2.3.5

Deploying the operator


Run SeaTunnel Application

Run Application:: SeaTunnel already providers out-of-the-box configurations.

In this guide we are going to use seatunnel.streaming.conf:

env {
parallelism = 2
job.mode = "STREAMING"
checkpoint.interval = 2000

source {
FakeSource {
parallelism = 2
result_table_name = "fake"
row.num = 16
schema = {
fields {
name = "string"
age = "int"

sink {
Console {

Generate a configmap named seatunnel-config in Kubernetes for the seatunnel.streaming.conf so that we can mount the config content in pod.

kubectl create cm seatunnel-config \
  • Create seatunnel.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: seatunnel
- name: seatunnel
image: seatunnel:2.3.5
command: ["/bin/sh","-c","/opt/seatunnel/bin/ --config /data/seatunnel.streaming.conf -e local"]
cpu: "1"
memory: 4G
cpu: "1"
memory: 2G
- name: seatunnel-config
mountPath: /data/seatunnel.streaming.conf
subPath: seatunnel.streaming.conf
- name: seatunnel-config
name: seatunnel-config
- key: seatunnel.streaming.conf
path: seatunnel.streaming.conf
  • Run the example application:
kubectl apply -f seatunnel.yaml

See The Output

You may follow the logs of your job, after a successful startup (which can take on the order of a minute in a fresh environment, seconds afterwards) you can:

kubectl logs -f  seatunnel

looks like the below (your content may be different since we use FakeSource to automatically generate random stream data):

2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25673: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : hRJdE, 1295862507
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25674: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : kXlew, 935460726
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25675: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : FrNOT, 1714358118
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25676: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : kSajX, 126709414
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25677: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : YhpQv, 2020198351
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25678: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : nApin, 691339553
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25679: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : KZNNa, 1720773736
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25680: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : uCUBI, 490868386
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25681: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : oTLmO, 98770781
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25682: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : UECud, 835494636
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25683: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : XNegY, 1602828896
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25684: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : LcFBx, 1400869177
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25685: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : EqSfF, 1933614060
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25686: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : BODIs, 1839533801
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25687: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : doxcI, 970104616
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25688: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : IEVYn, 371893767
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25689: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : YXYfq, 1719257882
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25690: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : LFWEm, 725033360
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25691: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : ypUrY, 1591744616
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25692: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : rlnzJ, 412162913
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25693: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : zWKnt, 976816261
2023-10-07 08:20:12,797 INFO org.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.console.sink.ConsoleSinkWriter - subtaskIndex=0 rowIndex=25694: SeaTunnelRow#tableId= SeaTunnelRow#kind=INSERT : PXrsk, 43554541

To stop your job and delete your FlinkDeployment you can simply:

kubectl delete -f seatunnel.yaml

Happy SeaTunneling!

What's More

For now, you are already taking a quick look at SeaTunnel, you could see connector to find all source and sink SeaTunnel supported. Or see deployment if you want to submit your application in another kind of your engine cluster.