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Version: 1.x


Filter plugin : Json​


It takes an existing field which contains a json string and extract its fields.


nametyperequireddefault value
source_field [string]​

Source field, default is raw_message.

target_field [string]​

New field name.

schema_dir [string]​

Json schema absolute directory path,default is $seatunnelRoot/plugins/json/files/schemas/

schema_file [string]​

Json schema file name, if not set, the system will infer the schema from input source.

Use cases​

  1. json schema use case

There might be multiple input json schemas in a single job, e.g. the schema in topicA of kafka can be:

"A": "a_val",
"B": "b_val"

the schema of topicB can be:

"C": "c_val",
"D": "d_val"

If we need to combine two schemas and make it output as a wide table, we can specify a schema with content below:

"A": "a_val",
"B": "b_val",
"C": "c_val",
"D": "d_val"

then the output of topicA and topicB would be:

|A |B |C |D |
|a_val|b_val|null |null |
|null |null |c_val|d_val|


  1. Without target_field

    json {
    source_field = "message"
    • Input
    |message |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 24}|
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |
    • Output
    |message |age|name |
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |28 |gary |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 23}|23 |ricky|
  2. With target_field

    json {
    source_field = "message"
    target_field = "info"
    • Input
    |message |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 24}|
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |
    • Output
    |message |info |
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |[28,gary] |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 23}|[23,ricky]|

  3. With schema_file

    json {
    source_field = "message"
    schema_file = "demo.json"
    • Schema

    Make the content of /opt/seatunnel/plugins/json/files/schemas/demo.json on Driver node as below:

    "name": "demo",
    "age": 24,
    "city": "LA"
    • Input
    |message |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 24}|
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |
    • Output
    |message |age|name |city |
    |{"name": "gary", "age": 28} |28 |gary |null |
    |{"name": "ricky", "age": 23}|23 |ricky|null |

    If deploy in cluster mode,make sure json schemas directory is packed in plugins.tar.gz