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Version: 2.1.1

Set Up with Locally


Before you getting start the local run, you need to make sure you already have installed the following software which SeaTunnel required:


Enter the seatunnel download page and download the latest version of distribute package seatunnel-<version>-bin.tar.gz

Or you can download it by terminal

export version="2.1.0"
wget "${version}/apache-seatunnel-incubating-${version}-bin.tar.gz"
tar -xzvf "apache-seatunnel-incubating-${version}-bin.tar.gz"

Run SeaTunnel Application

Configure SeaTunnel: Change the setting in config/, it is base on the path your engine install at prepare step two. Change SPARK_HOME if you using Spark as your engine, or change FLINK_HOME if you're using Flink.

Run Application with Build-in Configure: We already providers and out-of-box configuration in directory config which you could find when you extract the tarball. You could start the application by the following commands

cd "apache-seatunnel-incubating-${version}"
./bin/ \
--master local[4] \
--deploy-mode client \
--config ./config/spark.streaming.conf.template

See The Output: When you run the command, you could see its output in your console or in Flink UI, You can think this is a sign that the command ran successfully or not.

The SeaTunnel console will prints some logs as below:
Hello World, SeaTunnel
Hello World, SeaTunnel
Hello World, SeaTunnel
Hello World, SeaTunnel

Explore More Build-in Examples

Our local quick start is using one of the build-in example in directory config, and we provider more than one out-of-box example you could and feel free to have a try and make your hands dirty. All you have to do is change the started command option value in running application to the configuration you want to run, we use batch template in config as examples:

cd "apache-seatunnel-incubating-${version}"
./bin/ \
--master local[4] \
--deploy-mode client \
--config ./config/spark.batch.conf.template

What's More

For now, you are already take a quick look about SeaTunnel, you could see connector to find all source and sink SeaTunnel supported. Or see deployment if you want to submit your application in other kind of your engine cluster.