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Version: 2.2.0-beta


Oss file source connector


Read data from aliyun oss file system.

Tips: We made some trade-offs in order to support more file types, so we used the HDFS protocol for internal access to OSS and this connector need some hadoop dependencies. It's only support hadoop version 2.9.X+.

Key features​

Read all the data in a split in a pollNext call. What splits are read will be saved in snapshot.


nametyperequireddefault value

path [string]​

The source file path.

type [string]​

File type, supported as the following file types:

text csv parquet orc json

If you assign file type to json, you should also assign schema option to tell connector how to parse data to the row you want.

For example:

upstream data is the following:

{"code": 200, "data": "get success", "success": true}

You can also save multiple pieces of data in one file and split them by newline:

{"code": 200, "data": "get success", "success": true}
{"code": 300, "data": "get failed", "success": false}

you should assign schema as the following:

schema {
fields {
code = int
data = string
success = boolean

connector will generate data as the following:

200get successtrue

If you assign file type to parquet orc, schema option not required, connector can find the schema of upstream data automatically.

If you assign file type to text csv, schema option not supported temporarily, but the subsequent features will support.

Now connector will treat the upstream data as the following:

The content of every line in file

bucket [string]​

The bucket address of oss file system, for example: oss://tyrantlucifer-image-bed

access_key [string]​

The access key of oss file system.

access_secret [string]​

The access secret of oss file system.

endpoint [string]​

The endpoint of oss file system.

schema [config]​

The schema of upstream data.


OssFile {
path = "/seatunnel/orc"
bucket = "oss://tyrantlucifer-image-bed"
access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
access_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
endpoint = ""
type = "orc"

OssFile {
path = "/seatunnel/json"
bucket = "oss://tyrantlucifer-image-bed"
access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
access_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
endpoint = ""
type = "json"
schema {
fields {
id = int
name = string