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Version: 2.3.0

Quick Start With SeaTunnel Engine

Step 1: Deployment SeaTunnel And Connectors​

Before starting, make sure you have downloaded and deployed SeaTunnel as described in deployment

Step 2: Add Job Config File to define a job​

Edit config/seatunnel.streaming.conf.template, which determines the way and logic of data input, processing, and output after seatunnel is started. The following is an example of the configuration file, which is the same as the example application mentioned above.

env {
execution.parallelism = 1
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
FakeSource {
result_table_name = "fake"
row.num = 16
schema = {
fields {
name = "string"
age = "int"

transform {


sink {
Console {}

More information about config please check config concept

Step 3: Run SeaTunnel Application​

You could start the application by the following commands

cd "apache-seatunnel-incubating-${version}"
./bin/ --config ./config/seatunnel.streaming.conf.template -e local

See The Output: When you run the command, you could see its output in your console. You can think this is a sign that the command ran successfully or not.

The SeaTunnel console will prints some logs as below:

fields : name, age
types : STRING, INT
row=1 : elWaB, 1984352560
row=2 : uAtnp, 762961563
row=3 : TQEIB, 2042675010
row=4 : DcFjo, 593971283
row=5 : SenEb, 2099913608
row=6 : DHjkg, 1928005856
row=7 : eScCM, 526029657
row=8 : sgOeE, 600878991
row=9 : gwdvw, 1951126920
row=10 : nSiKE, 488708928
row=11 : xubpl, 1420202810
row=12 : rHZqb, 331185742
row=13 : rciGD, 1112878259
row=14 : qLhdI, 1457046294
row=15 : ZTkRx, 1240668386
row=16 : SGZCr, 94186144

What's More​

For now, you are already take a quick look about SeaTunnel, you could see connector to find all source and sink SeaTunnel supported. Or see SeaTunnel Engine if you want to know more about SeaTunnel Engine.

SeaTunnel also supports running jobs in Spark/Flink. You can see Quick Start With Spark or Quick Start With Flink.