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Version: 2.3.9

Source Common Options

Common parameters of source connectors


The old configuration name result_table_name is deprecated, please migrate to the new name plugin_output as soon as possible.

plugin_outputStringNo-When plugin_output is not specified, the data processed by this plugin will not be registered as a data set (dataStream/dataset) that can be directly accessed by other plugins, or called a temporary table (table)
When plugin_output is specified, the data processed by this plugin will be registered as a data set (dataStream/dataset) that can be directly accessed by other plugins, or called a temporary table (table) . The data set (dataStream/dataset) registered here can be directly accessed by other plugins by specifying plugin_input .
parallelismIntNo-When parallelism is not specified, the parallelism in env is used by default.
When parallelism is specified, it will override the parallelism in env.

Important note

When the job configuration plugin_output you must set the plugin_input parameter

Task Example


This registers a stream or batch data source and returns the table name fake_table at registration

source {
FakeSourceStream {
plugin_output = "fake_table"

Multiple Pipeline Simple

This is to convert the data source fake and write it to two different sinks

env {
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
FakeSource {
plugin_output = "fake"
row.num = 100
schema = {
fields {
id = "int"
name = "string"
age = "int"
c_timestamp = "timestamp"
c_date = "date"
c_map = "map<string, string>"
c_array = "array<int>"
c_decimal = "decimal(30, 8)"
c_row = {
c_row = {
c_int = int

transform {
Sql {
plugin_input = "fake"
plugin_output = "fake1"
# the query table name must same as field 'plugin_input'
query = "select id, regexp_replace(name, '.+', 'b') as name, age+1 as age, pi() as pi, c_timestamp, c_date, c_map, c_array, c_decimal, c_row from dual"
# The SQL transform support base function and criteria operation
# But the complex SQL unsupported yet, include: multi source table/rows JOIN and AGGREGATE operation and the like

sink {
Console {
plugin_input = "fake1"
Console {
plugin_input = "fake"