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Version: 2.3.9


Metadata transform plugin


Metadata transform plugin for adding metadata fields to data

Available Metadata

DatabasestringName of the table that contain the row.
TablestringName of the table that contain the row.
RowKindstringThe type of operation
EventTimeLongThe time at which the connector processed the event.
DelayLongThe difference between data extraction time and database change time
PartitionstringContains the partition field of the corresponding number table of the row, multiple using , join


`Delay` `Partition` only worked on cdc series connectors for now , except TiDB-CDC


nametyperequireddefault valueDescription
metadata_fieldsmapyesA mapping metadata input fields and their corresponding output fields.

metadata_fields [map]

A mapping between metadata fields and their respective output fields.

metadata_fields {
Database = c_database
Table = c_table
RowKind = c_rowKind
EventTime = c_ts_ms
Delay = c_delay


env {
parallelism = 1
job.mode = "STREAMING"
checkpoint.interval = 5000
read_limit.bytes_per_second = 7000000
read_limit.rows_per_second = 400

source {
plugin_output = "customers_mysql_cdc"
server-id = 5652
username = "root"
password = "zdyk_Dev@2024"
table-names = ["source.user"]
base-url = "jdbc:mysql://"

transform {
Metadata {
metadata_fields {
Database = database
Table = table
RowKind = rowKind
EventTime = ts_ms
Delay = delay
plugin_output = "trans_result"

sink {
Console {
plugin_input = "custom_name"