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SeaTunnel has a monitoring API that can be used to query status and statistics of running jobs, as well as recent completed jobs. The monitoring API is a RESTful API that accepts HTTP requests and responds with JSON data.


The v2 version of the api uses jetty support. It is the same as the interface specification of v1 version , you can specify the port and context-path by modifying the configuration items in seatunnel.yaml, you can configure enable-dynamic-port to enable dynamic ports (the default port is accumulated starting from port), and the default is closed, If enable-dynamic-port is true, We will use the unused port in the range within the range of port and port + port-range, default range is 100

enable-http: true
port: 8080
enable-dynamic-port: true
port-range: 100

Context-path can also be configured as follows:

enable-http: true
port: 8080
context-path: /seatunnel

API reference

Returns an overview over the Zeta engine cluster.

GET /overview?tag1=value1&tag2=value2 (Returns an overview over the Zeta engine cluster.)


nametypedata typedescription
tag_nameoptionalstringthe tags filter, you can add tag filter to get those matched worker count, and slot on those workers




  • If you use dynamic-slot, the totalSlot and unassignedSlot always be 0. when you set it to fix slot number, it will return the correct total and unassigned slot number
  • If the url has tag filter, the works, totalSlot and unassignedSlot will return the result on the matched worker. but the job related metric will always return the cluster level information.

Returns An Overview And State Of All Jobs

GET /running-jobs (Returns an overview over all jobs and their current state.)



"jobId": "",
"jobName": "",
"jobStatus": "",
"envOptions": {
"createTime": "",
"jobDag": {
"jobId": "",
"envOptions": [],
"vertexInfoMap": [
"vertexId": 1,
"type": "",
"vertexName": "",
"tablePaths": [
"pipelineEdges": {}
"pluginJarsUrls": [
"isStartWithSavePoint": false,
"metrics": {
"sourceReceivedCount": "",
"sinkWriteCount": ""

Return Details Of A Job

GET /job-info/:jobId (Return details of a job. )


nametypedata typedescription
jobIdrequiredlongjob id


"jobId": "",
"jobName": "",
"jobStatus": "",
"createTime": "",
"jobDag": {
"jobId": "",
"envOptions": [],
"vertexInfoMap": [
"vertexId": 1,
"type": "",
"vertexName": "",
"tablePaths": [
"pipelineEdges": {}
"metrics": {
"SourceReceivedCount": "",
"SourceReceivedQPS": "",
"SourceReceivedBytes": "",
"SourceReceivedBytesPerSeconds": "",
"SinkWriteCount": "",
"SinkWriteQPS": "",
"SinkWriteBytes": "",
"SinkWriteBytesPerSeconds": "",
"TableSourceReceivedCount": {},
"TableSourceReceivedBytes": {},
"TableSourceReceivedBytesPerSeconds": {},
"TableSourceReceivedQPS": {},
"TableSinkWriteCount": {},
"TableSinkWriteQPS": {},
"TableSinkWriteBytes": {},
"TableSinkWriteBytesPerSeconds": {}
"finishedTime": "",
"errorMsg": null,
"envOptions": {
"pluginJarsUrls": [
"isStartWithSavePoint": false

jobId, jobName, jobStatus, createTime, jobDag, metrics always be returned. envOptions, pluginJarsUrls, isStartWithSavePoint will return when job is running. finishedTime, errorMsg will return when job is finished.

When we can't get the job info, the response will be:

"jobId" : ""

Return Details Of A Job

This API has been deprecated, please use /job-info/:jobId instead

GET /running-job/:jobId (Return details of a job. )


nametypedata typedescription
jobIdrequiredlongjob id


"jobId": "",
"jobName": "",
"jobStatus": "",
"createTime": "",
"jobDag": {
"jobId": "",
"envOptions": [],
"vertexInfoMap": [
"vertexId": 1,
"type": "",
"vertexName": "",
"tablePaths": [
"pipelineEdges": {}
"metrics": {
"SourceReceivedCount": "",
"SourceReceivedQPS": "",
"SourceReceivedBytes": "",
"SourceReceivedBytesPerSeconds": "",
"SinkWriteCount": "",
"SinkWriteQPS": "",
"SinkWriteBytes": "",
"SinkWriteBytesPerSeconds": "",
"TableSourceReceivedCount": {},
"TableSourceReceivedBytes": {},
"TableSourceReceivedBytesPerSeconds": {},
"TableSourceReceivedQPS": {},
"TableSinkWriteCount": {},
"TableSinkWriteQPS": {},
"TableSinkWriteBytes": {},
"TableSinkWriteBytesPerSeconds": {}
"finishedTime": "",
"errorMsg": null,
"envOptions": {
"pluginJarsUrls": [
"isStartWithSavePoint": false

jobId, jobName, jobStatus, createTime, jobDag, metrics always be returned. envOptions, pluginJarsUrls, isStartWithSavePoint will return when job is running. finishedTime, errorMsg will return when job is finished.

When we can't get the job info, the response will be:

"jobId" : ""

Return All Finished Jobs Info

GET /finished-jobs/:state (Return all finished Jobs Info.)


nametypedata typedescription
stateoptionalstringfinished job status. FINISHED,CANCELED,FAILED,UNKNOWABLE


"jobId": "",
"jobName": "",
"jobStatus": "",
"errorMsg": null,
"createTime": "",
"finishTime": "",
"jobDag": {
"jobId": "",
"envOptions": [],
"vertexInfoMap": [
"vertexId": 1,
"type": "",
"vertexName": "",
"tablePaths": [
"pipelineEdges": {}
"metrics": ""

Returns System Monitoring Information

GET /system-monitoring-information (Returns system monitoring information.)




Submit A Job

POST /submit-job (Returns jobId and jobName if job submitted successfully.)


nametypedata typedescription
jobIdoptionalstringjob id
jobNameoptionalstringjob name
isStartWithSavePointoptionalstringif job is started with save point
formatoptionalstringconfig format, support json and hocon, default json


You can choose json or hocon to pass request body. The json format example:

"env": {
"job.mode": "batch"
"source": [
"plugin_name": "FakeSource",
"plugin_output": "fake",
"row.num": 100,
"schema": {
"fields": {
"name": "string",
"age": "int",
"card": "int"
"transform": [
"sink": [
"plugin_name": "Console",
"plugin_input": ["fake"]

The hocon format example:

env {
job.mode = "batch"

source {
FakeSource {
plugin_output = "fake"
row.num = 100
schema = {
fields {
name = "string"
age = "int"
card = "int"

transform {

sink {
Console {
plugin_input = "fake"


"jobId": 733584788375666689,
"jobName": "rest_api_test"

Submit A Job By Upload Config File

POST /submit-job/upload (Returns jobId and jobName if job submitted successfully.)


nametypedata typedescription
jobIdoptionalstringjob id
jobNameoptionalstringjob name
isStartWithSavePointoptionalstringif job is started with save point

Request Body

The name of the uploaded file key is config_file, and the file suffix json is parsed in json format. The conf or config file suffix is parsed in hocon format

curl Example :

curl --location '' --form 'config_file=@"/temp/fake_to_console.conf"'


"jobId": 733584788375666689,
"jobName": "SeaTunnel_Job"

Batch Submit Jobs

POST /submit-jobs (Returns jobId and jobName if the job is successfully submitted.)

Parameters (add in the params field in the request body)

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
jobIdoptionalstringjob id
jobNameoptionalstringjob name
isStartWithSavePointoptionalstringif the job is started with save point

Request Body

"env": {
"job.mode": "batch"
"source": [
"plugin_name": "FakeSource",
"plugin_output": "fake",
"row.num": 1000,
"schema": {
"fields": {
"name": "string",
"age": "int",
"card": "int"
"transform": [
"sink": [
"plugin_name": "Console",
"plugin_input": ["fake"]
"env": {
"job.mode": "batch"
"source": [
"plugin_name": "FakeSource",
"plugin_output": "fake",
"row.num": 1000,
"schema": {
"fields": {
"name": "string",
"age": "int",
"card": "int"
"transform": [
"sink": [
"plugin_name": "Console",
"plugin_input": ["fake"]


"jobId": "123456",
"jobName": "SeaTunnel-01"
"jobId": "1234567",
"jobName": "SeaTunnel-02"

Stop A Job

POST /stop-job (Returns jobId if job stoped successfully.)


"jobId": 733584788375666689,
"isStopWithSavePoint": false # if job is stopped with save point


"jobId": 733584788375666689

Batch Stop Jobs

POST /stop-jobs (Returns jobId if the job is successfully stopped.)

Request Body

"jobId": 881432421482889220,
"isStopWithSavePoint": false
"jobId": 881432456517910529,
"isStopWithSavePoint": false


"jobId": 881432421482889220
"jobId": 881432456517910529

Encrypt Config

POST /encrypt-config (Returns the encrypted config if config is encrypted successfully.)
For more information about customize encryption, please refer to the documentation [config-encryption-decryption](/docs/connector-v2/Config-Encryption-Decryption).


"env": {
"parallelism": 1,
"source": [
"plugin_name": "MySQL-CDC",
"schema" : {
"fields": {
"name": "string",
"age": "int"
"plugin_output": "fake",
"parallelism": 1,
"hostname": "",
"username": "seatunnel",
"password": "seatunnel_password",
"table-name": "inventory_vwyw0n"
"transform": [
"sink": [
"plugin_name": "Clickhouse",
"host": "localhost:8123",
"database": "default",
"table": "fake_all",
"username": "seatunnel",
"password": "seatunnel_password"


"env": {
"parallelism": 1,
"shade.identifier": "base64"
"source": [
"plugin_name": "MySQL-CDC",
"schema": {
"fields": {
"name": "string",
"age": "int"
"plugin_output": "fake",
"parallelism": 1,
"hostname": "",
"username": "c2VhdHVubmVs",
"password": "c2VhdHVubmVsX3Bhc3N3b3Jk",
"table-name": "inventory_vwyw0n"
"transform": [],
"sink": [
"plugin_name": "Clickhouse",
"host": "localhost:8123",
"database": "default",
"table": "fake_all",
"username": "c2VhdHVubmVs",
"password": "c2VhdHVubmVsX3Bhc3N3b3Jk"

Update the tags of running node

POST/update-tagsBecause the update can only target a specific node, the current node's `ip:port` needs to be used for the update(If the update is successful, return a success message)

update node tags


If the request parameter is a Map object, it indicates that the tags of the current node need to be updated

"tag1": "dev_1",
"tag2": "dev_2"
"status": "success",
"message": "update node tags done."

remove node tags


If the parameter is an empty Map object, it means that the tags of the current node need to be cleared

"status": "success",
"message": "update node tags done."

Request parameter exception

  • If the parameter body is empty
"status": "fail",
"message": "Request body is empty."
  • If the parameter is not a Map object
"status": "fail",
"message": "Invalid JSON format in request body."

Get Logs from All Nodes

GET /logs/:jobId (Returns a list of logs.)

Request Parameters

Parameters (to be added in the params field of the request body)

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
jobIdoptionalstringjob id

If jobId is empty, the request will return logs from all nodes. Otherwise, it will return the list of logs for the specified jobId from all nodes.


Returns a list of logs from the requested nodes along with their content.

Return List of All Log Files

If you want to view the log list first, you can retrieve it via a GET request: http://localhost:8080/logs?format=json

"node": "localhost:8080",
"logLink": "http://localhost:8080/logs/job-899485770241277953.log",
"logName": "job-899485770241277953.log"
"node": "localhost:8080",
"logLink": "http://localhost:8080/logs/job-899470314109468673.log",
"logName": "job-899470314109468673.log"

Supported formats are json and html, with html as the default.


Retrieve logs for jobId 733584788375666689 across all nodes: http://localhost:8080/logs/733584788375666689 Retrieve the list of logs from all nodes: http://localhost:8080/logs Retrieve the list of logs in JSON format: http://localhost:8080/logs?format=json Retrieve the content of a specific log file: http://localhost:8080/logs/job-898380162133917698.log

Get Log Content from a Single Node

GET /log (Returns a list of logs.)


Returns a list of logs from the requested node.


To get a list of logs from the current node: http://localhost:5801/log To get the content of a log file: http://localhost:5801/log/job-898380162133917698.log

Get Node Metrics

GET /metricsGET /openmetrics

To get the metrics, you need to open Telemetry first, or you will get an empty response.

More information about Telemetry can be found in the Telemetry documentation.