

Source plugin : Kafka [Flink]


To consume data from Kafka , the supported Kafka version >= 0.10.0 .


nametyperequireddefault value

topics [string]

Kafka topic name. If there are multiple topics, use , to split, for example: "tpc1,tpc2" .

consumer.group.id [string]

Kafka consumer group id, used to distinguish different consumer groups.

consumer.bootstrap.servers [string]

Kafka cluster address, separated by ,

format.type [string]

Currently supports three formats

  • json

  • csv

  • avro

format.* [string]

The csv format uses this parameter to set the separator and so on. For example, set the column delimiter to \t , format.field-delimiter=\\t

schema [string]

  • csv

    • The schema of csv is a string of jsonArray , such as "[{\"field\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"field\":\"age\ ",\"type\":\"int\"}]" .
  • json

    • The schema parameter of json is to provide a json string of the original data, and the schema can be automatically generated, but the original data with the most complete content needs to be provided, otherwise the fields will be lost.
  • avro

    • The schema parameter of avro is to provide a standard avro schema JSON string , such as {\"name\":\"test\",\"type\":\"record\",\"fields\":[{ \"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"age\",\"type\":\"long\"} ,{\"name\":\"addrs\",\"type\":{\"name\":\"addrs\",\"type\":\"record\",\"fields\" :[{\"name\":\"province\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"city\",\"type\":\"string \"}]}}]}

    • To learn more about how the Avro Schema JSON string should be defined, please refer to: https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html

consumer.* [string]

In addition to the above necessary parameters that must be specified by the Kafka consumer client, users can also specify multiple consumer client non-mandatory parameters, covering all consumer parameters specified in the official Kafka document.

The way to specify parameters is to add the prefix consumer. to the original parameter name. For example, the way to specify ssl.key.password is: consumer.ssl.key.password = xxxx . If these non-essential parameters are not specified, they will use the default values given in the official Kafka documentation.

rowtime.field [string]

Set the field for generating watermark

watermark [long]

Set the allowable delay for generating watermark

offset.reset [string]

The consumer's initial offset is only valid for new consumers. There are three modes

  • latest

    • Start consumption from the latest offset
  • earliest

    • Start consumption from the earliest offset
  • specific

    • Start consumption from the specified offset , and specify the start offset of each partition at this time. The setting method is through offset.reset.specific="{0:111,1:123}"

common options [string]

Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Plugin for details


  KafkaTableStream {
consumer.bootstrap.servers = ""
consumer.group.id = "seatunnel5"
topics = test
result_table_name = test
format.type = csv
schema = "[{\"field\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"field\":\"age\",\"type\":\"int\"}]"
format.field-delimiter = ";"
format.allow-comments = "true"
format.ignore-parse-errors = "true"