
SeaTunnel Runs On Spark

Spark is a powerful high-performance distributed calculate processing engine. More information about it you can search for Apache Spark

Set Spark Configuration Information In The Job

Example: I set some spark conf for this job

env {
spark.app.name = "example"
spark.sql.catalogImplementation = "hive"
spark.executor.memory= "2g"
spark.executor.instances = "2"
spark.yarn.priority = "100'
hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = "nonstrict"

Command Line Example

Spark on Yarn Cluster

./bin/start-seatunnel-spark-3-connector-v2.sh --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --config config/example.conf

Spark on Yarn Cluster

./bin/start-seatunnel-spark-3-connector-v2.sh --master yarn --deploy-mode client --config config/example.conf

How To Set Up A Simple Spark Job

This is a simple job that runs on Spark. Randomly generated data is printed to the console

env {
# common parameter
parallelism = 1

# spark special parameter
spark.app.name = "example"
spark.sql.catalogImplementation = "hive"
spark.executor.memory= "2g"
spark.executor.instances = "1"
spark.yarn.priority = "100"
hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = "nonstrict"

source {
FakeSource {
schema = {
fields {
c_map = "map<string, array<int>>"
c_array = "array<int>"
c_string = string
c_boolean = boolean
c_tinyint = tinyint
c_smallint = smallint
c_int = int
c_bigint = bigint
c_float = float
c_double = double
c_decimal = "decimal(30, 8)"
c_null = "null"
c_bytes = bytes
c_date = date
c_timestamp = timestamp
c_row = {
c_map = "map<string, map<string, string>>"
c_array = "array<int>"
c_string = string
c_boolean = boolean
c_tinyint = tinyint
c_smallint = smallint
c_int = int
c_bigint = bigint
c_float = float
c_double = double
c_decimal = "decimal(30, 8)"
c_null = "null"
c_bytes = bytes
c_date = date
c_timestamp = timestamp

transform {
# If you would like to get more information about how to configure seatunnel and see full list of transform plugins,
# please go to https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/transform-v2/sql


How To Run A Job In A Project

After you pull the code to the local, go to the seatunnel-examples/seatunnel-spark-connector-v2-example module and find org.apache.seatunnel.example.spark.v2.SeaTunnelApiExample to complete the operation of the job.