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Version: 2.3.0

Error Quick Reference Manual

This document records some common error codes and corresponding solutions of SeaTunnel, aiming to quickly solve the problems encountered by users.

SeaTunnel API Error Codes

API-01Configuration item validate failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually due to a problem with the connector parameters configured by the user, please check the connector documentation and correct the parameters
API-02Option item validate failed-
API-03Catalog initialize failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually because the connector initialization catalog failed, please check the connector connector options whether are correct
API-04Database not existedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually because the database that you want to access is not existed, please double check the database exists
API-05Table not existedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually because the table that you want to access is not existed, please double check the table exists
API-06Factory initialize failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually because there is a problem with the jar package dependency, please check whether your local SeaTunnel installation package is complete

SeaTunnel Common Error Codes

COMMON-01File operation failed, such as (read,list,write,move,copy,sync) etc...When users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems in the file operation, please check if the file is OK
COMMON-02Json covert/parse operation failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems about json converting or parsing, please check if the json format is correct
COMMON-03Reflect class operation failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems on class reflect operation, please check the jar dependency whether exists in classpath
COMMON-04Serialize class operation failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems on class serialize operation, please check java environment
COMMON-05Unsupported operationWhen users encounter this error code, users may trigger an unsupported operation such as enabled some unsupported features
COMMON-06Illegal argumentWhen users encounter this error code, it maybe user-configured parameters are not legal, please correct it according to the tips
COMMON-07Unsupported data typeWhen users encounter this error code, it maybe connectors don't support this data type
COMMON-08Sql operation failed, such as (execute,addBatch,close) etc...When users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems on sql execute process, please check the sql whether correct
COMMON-09Get table schema from upstream data failedWhen users encounter this error code, it maybe SeaTunnel try to get schema information from connector source data failed, please check your configuration whether correct and connector is work
COMMON-10Flush data operation that in sink connector failedWhen users encounter this error code, it maybe SeaTunnel try to flush batch data to sink connector field, please check your configuration whether correct and connector is work
COMMON-11Sink writer operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...When users encounter this error code, it maybe some operation of writer such as Parquet,Orc,IceBerg failed, you need to check if the corresponding file or resource has read and write permissions
COMMON-12Source reader operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...When users encounter this error code, it maybe some operation of reader such as Parquet,Orc,IceBerg failed, you need to check if the corresponding file or resource has read and write permissions
COMMON-13Http operation failed, such as (open, close, response) etc...When users encounter this error code, it maybe some http requests failed, please check your network environment
COMMON-14Class load operation failedWhen users encounter this error code, it maybe some The corresponding jar does not exist, or the type is not supported

Assert Connector Error Codes

ASSERT-01Rule validate failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that upstream data does not meet the rules

Cassandra Connector Error Codes

CASSANDRA-01Field is not existed in target tableWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the fields of upstream data don't meet with target cassandra table, please check target cassandra table structure
CASSANDRA-02Add batch SeaTunnelRow data into a batch failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that cassandra has some problems, please check it whether is work
CASSANDRA-03Close cql session of cassandra failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that cassandra has some problems, please check it whether is work
CASSANDRA-04No data in source tableWhen users encounter this error code, it means that source cassandra table has no data, please check it
CASSANDRA-05Parse ip address from string failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that upstream data does not match ip address format, please check it

Slack Connector Error Codes

SLACK-01Conversation can not be founded in channelsWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the channel is not existed in slack workspace, please check it
SLACK-02Write to slack channel failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that slack has some problems, please check it whether is work

MyHours Connector Error Codes

MYHOURS-01Get myhours token failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that login to the MyHours Failed, please check your network and try again

Rabbitmq Connector Error Codes

RABBITMQ-01handle queue consumer shutdown signal failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that job has some problems, please check it whether is work well
RABBITMQ-02create rabbitmq client failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq has some problems, please check it whether is work
RABBITMQ-03close connection failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq has some problems, please check it whether is work
RABBITMQ-04send messages failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq has some problems, please check it whether is work
RABBITMQ-05messages could not be acknowledged during checkpoint creationWhen users encounter this error code, it means that job has some problems, please check it whether is work well
RABBITMQ-06messages could not be acknowledged with basicRejectWhen users encounter this error code, it means that job has some problems, please check it whether is work well
RABBITMQ-07parse uri failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq connect uri incorrect, please check it
RABBITMQ-08initialize ssl context failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq has some problems, please check it whether is work
RABBITMQ-09setup ssl factory failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that rabbitmq has some problems, please check it whether is work

Socket Connector Error Codes

SOCKET-01Cannot connect to socket serverWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the connection address may not match, please check
SOCKET-02Failed to send message to socket serverWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that there is a problem sending data and retry is not enabled, please check
SOCKET-03Unable to write; interrupted while doing another attemptWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the data writing is interrupted abnormally, please check

TableStore Connector Error Codes

TABLESTORE-01Failed to send these rows of dataWhen users encounter this error code, it means that failed to write these rows of data, please check the rows that failed to import

Hive Connector Error Codes

HIVE-01Get name node host from table location failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the metastore inforamtion has some problems, please check it
HIVE-02Initialize hive metastore client failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that connect to hive metastore service failed, please check it whether is work
HIVE-03Get hive table information from hive metastore service failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that hive metastore service has some problems, please check it whether is work

Elasticsearch Connector Error Codes

ELASTICSEARCH-01Bulk es response errorWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the connection was aborted, please check it whether is work
ELASTICSEARCH-02Get elasticsearch version failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the connection was aborted, please check it whether is work
ELASTICSEARCH-03Fail to scroll requestWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the connection was aborted, please check it whether is work
ELASTICSEARCH-04Get elasticsearch document index count failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it means that the es index may not wrong or the connection was aborted, please check

Kafka Connector Error Codes

KAFKA-01Incompatible KafkaProducer versionWhen users encounter this error code, it means that KafkaProducer version is incompatible, please check it
KAFKA-02Get transactionManager in KafkaProducer exceptionWhen users encounter this error code, it means that can not get transactionManager in KafkaProducer, please check it
KAFKA-03Add the split checkpoint state to reader failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that add the split checkpoint state to reader failed, please retry it
KAFKA-04Add a split back to the split enumerator,it will only happen when a SourceReader failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that add a split back to the split enumerator failed, please check it
KAFKA-05Error occurred when the kafka consumer thread was runningWhen users encounter this error code, it means that an error occurred when the kafka consumer thread was running, please check it
KAFKA-06Kafka failed to consume dataWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Kafka failed to consume data, please check config and retry it

InfluxDB Connector Error Codes

INFLUXDB-01Connect influxdb failed, due to influxdb version info is unknownWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that the connection to influxdb failed. Please check
INFLUXDB-02Get column index of query result exceptionWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that obtaining the column index failed. Please check

Kudu Connector Error Codes

KUDU-01Get the Kuduscan object for each splice failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems with getting the KuduScan Object for each splice, please check your configuration whether correct and Kudu is work
KUDU-02Close Kudu client failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems with closing the Kudu client, please check the Kudu is work
KUDU-03Value type does not match column typeWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems on matching the Type between value type and colum type, please check if the data type is supported
KUDU-04Upsert data to Kudu failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Kudu has some problems, please check it whether is work
KUDU-05Insert data to Kudu failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Kudu has some problems, please check it whether is work
KUDU-06Initialize the Kudu client failedWhen users encounter this error code, it is usually there are some problems with initializing the Kudu client, please check your configuration whether correct and connector is work
KUDU-07Generate Kudu Parameters in the preparation phase failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that there are some problems on Kudu parameters generation, please check your configuration

IotDB Connector Error Codes

IOTDB-01Close IoTDB session failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that closing the session failed. Please check
IOTDB-02Initialize IoTDB client failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that the client initialization failed. Please check
IOTDB-03Close IoTDB client failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that closing the client failed. Please check

File Connector Error Codes

FILE-01File type is invalidWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the this file is not the format that user assigned, please check it
FILE-02Data deserialization failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that data from files not satisfied the schema that user assigned, please check data from files whether is correct
FILE-03Get file list failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that connector try to traverse the path and get file list failed, please check file system whether is work

Hudi Connector Error Codes

HUDI-01Create ParquetMetadata failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that ParquetMetadata creation failed. Please check
HUDI-02Kerberos Authorized failedWhen the user encounters this error code, it indicates that Kerberos authorization failed. Please check

Doris Connector Error Codes

Doris-01Writing records to Doris failed.When users encounter this error code, it means that writing records to Doris failed, please check data from files whether is correct

Clickhouse Connector Error Codes

CLICKHOUSE-01Field is not existed in target tableWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the fields of upstream data don't meet with target clickhouse table, please check target clickhouse table structure
CLICKHOUSE-02Can’t find password of shard nodeWhen users encounter this error code, it means that no password is configured for each node, please check
CLICKHOUSE-03Can’t delete directoryWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the directory does not exist or does not have permission, please check
CLICKHOUSE-04Ssh operation failed, such as (login,connect,authentication,close) etc...When users encounter this error code, it means that the ssh request failed, please check your network environment
CLICKHOUSE-05Get cluster list from clickhouse failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the clickhouse cluster is not configured correctly, please check
CLICKHOUSE-06Shard key not found in tableWhen users encounter this error code, it means that the shard key of the distributed table is not configured, please check

Jdbc Connector Error Codes

JDBC-01Fail to create driver of classWhen users encounter this error code, it means that driver package may not be added. Check whether the driver exists
JDBC-02No suitable driver foundWhen users encounter this error code, it means that no password is configured for each node, please check
JDBC-03Xa operation failed, such as (commit, rollback) etc..When users encounter this error code, it means that if a distributed sql transaction fails, check the transaction execution of the corresponding database to determine the cause of the transaction failure
JDBC-04Connector database failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that database connection failure, check whether the url is correct or whether the corresponding service is normal
JDBC-05transaction operation failed, such as (commit, rollback) etc..When users encounter this error code, it means that if a sql transaction fails, check the transaction execution of the corresponding database to determine the cause of the transaction failure
JDBC-06No suitable dialect factory foundWhen users encounter this error code, it means that may be an unsupported dialect type

Pulsar Connector Error Codes

PULSAR-01Open pulsar admin failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that open pulsar admin failed, please check it
PULSAR-02Open pulsar client failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that open pulsar client failed, please check it
PULSAR-03Pulsar authentication failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Pulsar Authentication failed, please check it
PULSAR-04Subscribe topic from pulsar failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Subscribe topic from pulsar failed, please check it
PULSAR-05Get last cursor of pulsar topic failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that get last cursor of pulsar topic failed, please check it
PULSAR-06Get partition information of pulsar topic failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that Get partition information of pulsar topic failed, please check it

StarRocks Connector Error Codes

STARROCKS-01Flush batch data to sink connector failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that flush batch data to sink connector failed, please check it
STARROCKS-02Writing records to StarRocks failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that writing records to StarRocks failed, please check data from files whether is correct

DingTalk Connector Error Codes

DINGTALK-01Send response to DinkTalk server failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that send response message to DinkTalk server failed, please check it
DINGTALK-02Get sign from DinkTalk server failedWhen users encounter this error code, it means that get signature from DinkTalk server failed , please check it