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JDBC Cloudberry Sink Connector

Support Those Engines

SeaTunnel Zeta


Write data through JDBC. Cloudberry currently does not have its own native driver. It uses PostgreSQL's driver for connectivity and follows PostgreSQL's implementation.

Support Batch mode and Streaming mode, support concurrent writing, support exactly-once semantics (using XA transaction guarantee).

Using Dependency

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/plugins/.

For SeaTunnel Zeta Engine

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/lib/.

Key Features

Use Xa transactions to ensure exactly-once. So only support exactly-once for the database which is support Xa transactions. You can set is_exactly_once=true to enable it.

Supported DataSource Info

DatasourceSupported VersionsDriverUrlMaven
CloudberryUses PostgreSQL driver implementationorg.postgresql.Driverjdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/testDownload

Database Dependency

Please download the PostgreSQL driver jar and copy it to the '$SEATUNNEL_HOME/plugins/jdbc/lib/' working directory
For example: cp postgresql-xxx.jar $SEATUNNEL_HOME/plugins/jdbc/lib/

Data Type Mapping

Cloudberry uses PostgreSQL's data type implementation. Please refer to PostgreSQL documentation for data type compatibility and mappings.


Cloudberry connector uses the same options as PostgreSQL. For detailed configuration options, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.

Key options include:

  • url (required): The JDBC connection URL
  • driver (required): The driver class name (org.postgresql.Driver)
  • user/password: Authentication credentials
  • query or database/table combination: What data to write and how
  • is_exactly_once: Enable exactly-once semantics with XA transactions
  • batch_size: Control batch writing behavior

Task Example


env {
parallelism = 1
job.mode = "BATCH"

source {
FakeSource {
parallelism = 1
plugin_output = "fake"
row.num = 16
schema = {
fields {
name = "string"
age = "int"

sink {
jdbc {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cloudberrydb"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
user = "dbadmin"
password = "password"
query = "insert into test_table(name,age) values(?,?)"

Generate Sink SQL

sink {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cloudberrydb"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
user = "dbadmin"
password = "password"

generate_sink_sql = true
database = "mydb"
table = "public.test_table"


sink {
jdbc {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cloudberrydb"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
user = "dbadmin"
password = "password"
query = "insert into test_table(name,age) values(?,?)"

is_exactly_once = "true"
xa_data_source_class_name = "org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource"

CDC(Change Data Capture) Event

sink {
jdbc {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cloudberrydb"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
user = "dbadmin"
password = "password"

generate_sink_sql = true
database = "mydb"
table = "sink_table"
primary_keys = ["id","name"]
field_ide = UPPERCASE

Save mode function

sink {
Jdbc {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cloudberrydb"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
user = "dbadmin"
password = "password"

generate_sink_sql = true
database = "mydb"
table = "public.test_table"
schema_save_mode = "CREATE_SCHEMA_WHEN_NOT_EXIST"
data_save_mode = "APPEND_DATA"

For more detailed examples and options, please refer to the PostgreSQL connector documentation.


Change Log
[Feature][Connector] Add Apache Cloudberry Support (#8985)